petak, 04.04.2008.


Ponekad je i to moguće...

Ponekad kad si tužna

ponekad kad si tužna i ne znaš umoriti bol
kad ti pogled klone i skriva ljepotu osmijeha
samo se nekoliko nota vrti tvojim mislima
čini se da vidiš kraj nikad započetog puta
možda baš tad, i svemir je tužan pa plače planete
no nisu ni sjena kristalima što cakle ti u očima

ponekad kad plačeš i ne osjećaš radost
kad bi voljela da je kiša ova kap što kucka o stol
i jecaji da su gromovi pa da razbiju ovo stanje
ili sjena da podigne uplakanu glavu i zagrli te tako samu
možda baš u tom trenutku anđelima kradu krila
samo da bi u njima gledali dobrotu tvoje duše

ponekad kad šetaš besciljno u mrak
kad tjeraš ljude oko sebe da bi se zaštitila
i ne znaš ime ove tuge ni otkud se stvorila
htjela bi je ubiti zauvijek bez obzira na način
možda baš tu noć u skrivanom kutku umire sreća
od tuge jer se više neće uljepšavati tobom

ponekad kad misliš da si sama na svijetu
kad ne vidiš dalje od magle u trepavicama
samo čekaš trenutak da prođe još jedna minuta
i telefon je isključen da alarm ti ne kvari tišinu
možda baš iduću minutu nju ti pokvari nešto
zvuk što podsjeća na kapanja o stol

ponekad kad se nadaš da je ovaj miris moj
kad osjetiš na obrazu dodir praćen zvucima
i ne želiš se okrenuti jer misliš da si umrla
no za par sekundi ipak shvatiš koliko si blesava
možda baš tad provest ćemo najljepše trenutke
samo zato jer nitko nije tako lijep dok tuguje

| 01:47 | Komentiraj (8) | Print | Wintersoul

ponedjeljak, 17.12.2007.

The Fall Of Ideals...

The Fall Of Ideals

Tako izgledaju kule od stakla kad se ideali poruše...

Potajno žudim da bih opet osjetio slast početka u kojem slabim, samo vizionarski kradem bol koja graniči s iskušenjem na koje
sam odavno pristao, i svaki put kad čujem glasove ne činiš se tako daleko, jednostavno nisi daleko.
I sve su obmane mrtve, a tajne predobro čuvane da bi srušile ono što imam. To bi trebao biti dovoljan razlog da zamolim prošlost da ostavi
zalihe boli, kao što se moje riječi poklapaju s dugovima...možda samo brutalna iskrenost - opcije sam sam birao.
Možda bih trebao, ali neću priznati da sam žrtva u vlastitoj vatri, bez obzira što ne osjećam strah, ovu tragediju ne mogu spriječiti - snage su mi testirane,
još nosim ožiljke što kriju dokaze i još vjerujem da će me glasovi ispuniti.
Više ih nema, nema dana u kojima ću se bojati pronaći snagu nedovoljnu da povučem sve naprijed....ono što teče mojim venama nikad nije tekla tako okrutno
kao dok osjećam prazninu i ništavilo kroz koje hodam. I tada je samo dodir dovoljan da me učini cijelim...
Sad osjećam strast kako izgara u meni, to je onoi što me gura dalje ovim hodnicima tišine, i vjerujem, da hodam sam.
Drži čvrsto i ne pomišljaj da pustiš, nema tereta, samo strah, nemoguće je zaboraviti da je prošlost realnost, prestati se boriti s
osjećajima, bez opterećenja, ne mogu izbrisati ovo što postaješ...Više ne odbacujem sumnje, sposoban sam i jak i sad, to živi u meni.
Samo brojim dane, ne prolaze brzo i činim ono što znam da je ispravno i neuspjesi se više neće zbijati na mene.
Kao da bi san ovo moglo promijeniti, naši korjeni su prečvrsti, rođeni smo gospodari svoje osobe...
Samo uzmi sve najbolje od mene i gledaj kako mi se svijet ruši; i dalje ostajem srcouporan. Sve sezone me mijenjaju no jezgra ostaje netaknuta
i dalje se bojim da povijest će opstati, s njome i ja...
Može se čini da mi posljednji dani ne znače ništa, ali sunce koje me otkrilo čuva samo bol i nasilje u riječima ostavlja probojne rane...ako osjećam samo bol...
Šapćeš...čujem kako šapćše....otrov, teče kroz mene, izgubljen u tebi...
Bez žaljenja, sam ću se suočiti sa svojim strahom.
U mojim snovima, glazba pokriva tvoj glas...da je barem sve dio vrtloga u kojem spavam, pa da se probudim okružen tobom..ponovno, tobom...

"I am not empty inside
Though I long to make this right
Emotions still touch me
Still I can't feel a thing
Like ghosts that melt into fog
And leave me cold"

| 17:32 | Komentiraj (3) | Print | Wintersoul

ponedjeljak, 26.11.2007.

...neka odjave kad bude neriješeno...



zatvori me u sobu, ugasi svjetlo i vrati se njima
reci da sam loše, sasvim je svejedno, reci da sam pijan
strah me je da se ne istrčim pred tobom
večeras nije vrijeme, još uvijek te smatram svojom

bit će dovoljno da prespavam
osim toga, odavno već je završeno
odjavna je špica, sužava se kraj

premotaj unatrag, na početak, zaboravio sam početak
izgledamo sretno, imao sam kosu, nosila si crveno
rez na sada, gledam se sa strane
plavo od televizije, plačem na reklame

bit će dovoljno da prespavam
osim toga, odavno već je završeno
odjavna je špica, sužava se ekran, jato sivih ptica
možda ipak sretan...kraj

.....možda ipak sve završi neodlučenim ishodom....prečesto nisam siguran u sebe, no isto tako bivam preodlučan sobom...


rekla je, on je ništa, on je nezreli dječarac
on je beskrilni komarac, jednostavno ne zna
da bit će dobro, njemu treba vremena da mu se složi ispod tjemena
i da spozna
ono što je meni jasno, što je tužno kod ove predstave
koliko si lijepa, čak i s tim crnim od maskare

zašto ne oprašta, zašto izigrava žrtvu
jer kad povučemo crtu
mi smo na 1:1
glupo je, ali ponos i taština su dovoljni da njegova krivnja uzme dopust
jer kad ih isproba redom, kad ih sve usporedi
neće mu biti jasno kako tebe netko uopće previdi

ja znam da je loše što smo se ikad upoznali
ali meni se iz ovog auta nikad ne izlazi
nasloni glavu na mene, vozim te u Ljubljanu
stat ćemo samo da uzmeš osobnu i piđamu

...strah me, bojim se, ovo nije u redu
nadam se, valjda nije, bar, nije tako strašno....

...u jednom trenutku kad svjetlost provali oblak i Sunce se prospe po njoj
kad vrijeme stane prije nego ona završi korak kad više ne dotiče tlo, u tom trenutku u toj mrvi sekunde, u tom trenutku, ljepota pobjedi zlo....

| 01:58 | Komentiraj (0) | Print | Wintersoul

petak, 23.11.2007.

slušaj note koje svira kiša...

here for me...


uzela je jastuk i povukla se u dnevnu
čujem kako se trudi da glasno ne plače
Bože, zidovi su tanki, štede na krivom mjestu
predugi put do nje, možda je na kraju i ne pronađem

5 godina igre, i još uvijek ne znam pravila
sjećam se NSB-a, lifta, treći kat izlazimo
strani jezici i pravo, žamor prelazi u tišinu
njen daljinski je bio ono što me porazilo

što je od svega ostalo, igramo na sigurno
izvoli, hvala, laku noć, prijatno...

na početku je uloga važna
izabrao sam bitnika s dovoljno razuma onog koji zna s prioritetima
surfamo kroz povijest muzike i književnosti
citiramo pjesme, razbacujemo se opskurnim autorima
naglašavamo sličnosti, zanemarujemo razlike
biramo trenutak šutnje kao priliku za slučajan dodir
mali pomak ruke preko stola, brzo prolaze minute kad se svjetovi pomiču

što je od svega ostalo, igramo na sigurno
izvoli, hvala, laku noć, prijatno...
daj, daj, reci mi gdje smo skrenuli
na kojem dijelu sam te izgubio
kad smo to prestali biti zajedno?

| 00:20 | Komentiraj (1) | Print | Wintersoul

nedjelja, 14.10.2007.

Zar to nije bilo dovoljno?

I still bleed...

The Touch Of Velvet Darkness

The touch of velvet darkness found me again
So deep into my skin that razors cuts me down
Killing my wish to lay you beneath the stars
Please, breathe the life inside my soul tonight
Help me to rise over your beautiful eyes
And stay with me through the night
With no one around us, your heart is ours
With sorrow erase my longing to blood
Let me die and on dust carry you home
Trough the embodied visions of your soul

Watch me die inside your blood, my love
Watch me fall without your arms in mine
Don`t you try to grab my hand when I fail

How many pain is left to feel?
How many souls stayed in between?
How much tears we have to cry?
How long we should stay inside?

Watch me die inside your blood, my love
Watch me fall without your arms in mine
Don`t you try to grab my hand when I fail
Don`t you cry when they found me dead
Open your arms and hold me tight
Open your heart and breathe me out

How many pain is left to feel?
(There`s no feelings they can feel)
How many souls stayed in between?
(I`ll carry them home where I belong)
How much tears we have to cry?
(We will cry untill we die)
How long we should stay inside?
(Untill our blood flows into the one)

The touch of velvet darkness found me again
This time I have no strenght or will to bleed
This time I`m not alone, I`m full of your ghost
But you`re here and I`m there
Hold our blood while I whisper them my goodbyes

Watch me...

"...I'll be drowning you in this river of gloom
Forever in my heart ..."

| 23:16 | Komentiraj (1) | Print | Wintersoul

četvrtak, 27.09.2007.

Should I Pick The Photograph?

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Stani....Pod okriljem ovih neizbježnih svjetala koje se pod našom krinkom pretvaraju u tvoje najbolje prijatelje ne moraš mi skrivati
da su baš oni uzrok tvoje loše volje i tvoga stanja koje me nikad nije moglo ostaviti ravnodušnim, pa cak ni onda kad sva bol cini moje tijelo
slabim i otpornim na emocionalne udarce....Znaš da oni najviše bole.
Volim taj nacin na koji pokušavaš biti jaka, nacin kojim ideš sve dalje od ludnice koja te dugo vremena držala stisnutom u krugovima zbog
kojih je sva tvoja nježnost polako prerastala u sve tiše otkucaje srca kojeg sam nekada smatrao najhrabrijim na svijetu...sada samo najvoljenijim...

"Draga si mi kada šutiš jer si kao odsutna
i čuješ me izdaleka, i glas te moj ne dira.
Tada mi se pricinja da su ti oči iščezle
i kao da je poljubac zatvorio tvoja usta."

Znaš, dok se svake noći po istom receptu okrećem pod svojim plahtama, i još jednom ne mogu spavati, izadem van, na ulicu
i pogledam zvijezde pod mojim nogama i sjecam se pravih stvari koje sam krivo učinio stojeći u pokretu i gibajući se u mirovanju te nema razloga da ne krenem, daleko..
Zbogom, dobar dan...
Nema mjesta na kojem se ne mogu pojaviti i gdje ne mogu otputovati, bez obzira sto nikad nisam bio u ovakvom blatu, srce mi je sve jaće, i duboko u sebi gubim svijest koja
je davno izgubila mene. Možda ćemo se jednom negdje sresti i porazgovarati, ne samo popričati, samo molim te, ne kupuj obećanja jer u meni se dugo ne zadržavaju i odsjaj svega toga,
pa i miris ovoga blata zaokuplja mi um i briše svjesnost kojoj sam poput neke neodoljive latice krasio godine. Samo, želim da znaš, da ne tražim drugu šansu, vec to što cuješ može biti
samo krik iz moje dubine, zato, daj mi razlog, ali ne pokušavaj mi pružiti neki novi izbor, jer znam da cu opet uciniti istu pogrešku kao i kad sam dopustio da se provuceš kroz kljucanicu moga srca.
A nebo je i danas bilo tamno poput tebe, cini se kao pravi dan za donijeti novi život na svijet, no isto tako smo mogli sve naše mrtvo zakopati na dalekom groblju i sve svoje demonske odlike bi morala odbaciti
baš kao što sam ja odbacio onako duboko prodiranje u dubinu tvoje unutrašnjosti...Isprva se cinilo poput malene nesrece. automobilske ili kada mama razbije tanjur, no sada vidiš kao i ja ovu užasnu tragediju
koja je ucinila da sitna zadovoljstva nestanu poput nas. Ne misliš da je vrijeme da buducnost zavijemo u crno, a ako koja boja i zatreba moja smrtna kazna biti ce prica o tome tko ce preživjeti kada me napokon
pustiš umrijeti i sva ova romantika koja je godinama punila šaržere, uvijek si bila moja Bonnie, bio bih ti Clyde, no sada je trava ovdje puno zelenija i sve tvoje zmije izlaze van. Ne laži da se ne vidi s koliko stila nosiš
svoje ruševine; molim te, protrci kroz pakao i ugledaj se na Lucifera...možda postaneš bolja osoba.
I dalje imaš okus na Valentinovo, ne placi, suze bole jace od metaka, nije ti rodendan pa da mojom boli se veseliš, a kad smo vec kod toga, trebao sam izabrati fotografiju, jer, trajala bi duže nego ti.

Nije tajna da u svakoj vezi nije stvar u ljubavi, barem u gradu iz kojeg mi dolazimo...Samo još jedan pogreb, i još jedna uplakana djevojka, a kada sam dao svoju dušu njoj, trebala je znati da je vec odavno prodana i da nikad nije
ono važno bilo u njoj nego u boli koja je za mene puno više od tri slova...

U blatu u kojem sam sada, ne osjecam više nijednu malenu kapljicu cistoce...a tako sam težio tome, možda je stvar u oblacima, možda u moru, a možda jedino u tvojim uspavanim zaplakanim ocima. Mislila si da necu
vidjeti, no uvijek sam znao kad bi plakala, cak i kad bi govorila da je sve u redu i kako je baš lijep dan, a mrzila si Valentinovo....sva ta slomljena srca, više usamljenih nego zaljubljenih, a bili smo usamljeni iako u najvecoj ljubavi.
Ne zaboravi me ponijeti u svoju unutrašnjost kad budeš sama, jer, iako se praviš snažna, znam da si slomljena, Bože, tako si slomljena, a moram te pustiti, i znam, da kad budeš sama u nekoj prljavoj sobi koju ti se nece dati ocistiti
jer ceš patiti za mnom, molim te, primi me ponovno u sebe, zatvori oci i bit cu s tobom. Tih nekoliko minuta uživaj i voli me....voli me....iako ce samo zrak biti ono u cijim ceš dodirima uživati, a nakon što završiš, mrzi me...a prvo mrzi sebe
jer si si dozvolila da me voliš, pa makar u tim trenucima, a onda se okomi na mene...lupaj, razbijaj (a znam da ce tako biti) sve oko sebe, zovi me ružnim imenima, proklinji me, no znam, na kraju ceš samo spuznuti u prašnjavi ugao hladne sobe,
prekrižiti noge i plakati...plakat ćeš dugo u noć, možda prođu i dani, ali neceš prestajati s plačem...a onda ćeš zaspati, tako nježna i lijepa, dio moga srca i moja najljepša uspomena, i moja najveća bol. U tom trenutku biti ćeš moja princeza, samo snivaj,
nije važno koliko dugo traje. Iako te ne vidim, znam koliko si lijepa dok spavaš....čuvaj to za mene....mrzi me, ali čuvaj to za mene....

"Draga si mi kad šutiš jer si kao odsutna.
Daleka i tužna, kao da mrtva snivaš.
No tada jedna riječ, jedan osmijeh je dosta
da opet budem radostan, radostan što si živa."

| 23:07 | Komentiraj (5) | Print | Wintersoul

srijeda, 29.08.2007.

I wanna lay you down in a bed of Roses....

bed of roses....

My Vision Of You

You said hello, I throw my keys
Let the car drive on its own
There `s nowhere now I wanna be
But a little of happiness in your eye

Somehow you woke my memories
About smiles and some better times
When this world was a piece of puzzle in my hands

All that visions I have seen you in
Making me happy, dripping like ice
And the coldness inside me turns to warmth
Thank you, but do you know that I don`t know you?

The winds arround me sounds like voices
This river we are near reminds me on a home
Hand in hand, more than a skin on skin
More like a capsule we are both in

Time has passed, you needed to go
Came beside me, your fingers laid on my face
Like Cinderrella in my eyes when midnight came
You vanished and left me smile to be silver shoe

Somehow you woke my feelings good
Replaced a heartless with the biggest hearted
With such a sweet portrait in my eyes

All that dreams I have breathe you in
Killing my emptiness and avoiding fall
And the bitter in me turns into sweet
Close your eyes and for a moment be mine

zar ne bi bilo lijepo leći na krevet od ruža postavljen samo za nas...i nju...ali tko je ona? ja znam....mislim da znam tko je osoba čija bi meka koža topila latice te ih ponovno dahom anđela stapala u jedinstvenu cjelinu zajedno sa svojim tijelom...i sami anđeli bi se mogli posramiti te ljepote....
i ne bih se bunio kad bi mi taj osmijeh davao nadu kad zapadnem duboko u bunar tuge i kad mi jedino piće budu slane suze......

"Tonight, I won`t be alone
But you know that don`t mean I`m not lonely
I`ve got nothing to prove for it`s you that I`d die to defend"

| 01:44 | Komentiraj (0) | Print | Wintersoul

ponedjeljak, 09.07.2007.

My heart`s not graveyard, baby....

Razor Girl...

Drown In Razors

Let me fall into abyss of your secrets
So deep, to feel every inch of bricks
You can taste me, adore me like your own god
But no longer you will heal my wounds inside

Create me to become an emptiness
A space between the loved and the dead
You can male me suffer, almost see me blind
In my eyes you won`t feel nothing but the light

(And now I can see for who the pain is ment to be)

Drown in razors, oh, baby doll
For all hurt I was screaming so
And all my blood now flows in yours
Can you find me in this house of bones?

If you want war, destroy my peace
Can`t you see that my army bleeds
Broken hearts will be the bombs
And on bloody ground will lay our tombs

(And now you can be - left scars and let them bleed)

Drown in razors, oh, baby doll
For all pain I was breaking homes
And all my hatred now fight with yours
Do you see my skelet in your house of bones?

Drown in razors, my baby doll....

Don`t let the scars tear you apart
And when you are scared, remember that violence is an art

| 13:59 | Komentiraj (3) | Print | Wintersoul

utorak, 08.05.2007.

Goodnight, My Goddess

Goodnight, My Goddess

I would like to find you somewhere in my stories
So far away from my agonized heart drowned in grief
This affliction is nothing more but mirage of your attitude
And I won`t feel blame for the things that you have done
I can only be rinsed in elaborated alley of your coveted things
No one will retrieve me from the cage you impound me inside
I just hope for the one last kiss before I die right here beyond your arms

Can you hear this ill rain pulsating on my door
My tears aren`t warmer much, but on the floor they moor

Pawl the pain that burns in me
(samo slušaj, ne govori ništa)
Dry the rain and you`ll dry the tears
(sklopi ruke i ne radi ništa)
The fear you caused no longer live in me
The wounds you scribed no more bleed in me

When all stories end will you still listen what I have to say
Or you will die in my memories anew like no one chanced before
And nobody will feel the seethered pain I sanked in this keel
Maybe you can laugh, maybe you can turn on your lethal charm
But it won`t be funny for me when you lose all you ever dreamed to be
There will be time you will bleed acrros my waters of yearning
I would like to help you but I will ignite the fire in whether you are burning

Will you save the wings in which I gave myself in
I won`t be able to fly unless I die and be the fallen one

Snovi nek ti sliče na predivne boje
Bez bijele i crne što otjerat će moje
Tijelo tako daleko i dušu u sumrak
Bez ikoga da čuva što od tebe osta
I neću moći da sagradim dvorce
Tvrđave i kule te predivne balkone
Na kojima ćeš plačem dozvati mi tuge
I strahom mi utopiti već osivljene duge
Čini se lakim kad zatvoriš oči
Korak, možda dva, i iščezneš u samoći
Tad zatvoriš se kao u čelični kavez
I naše duše kidaju nekad besmrtan savez
Šapatom jedino poklonit ćeš mi sreću
Jer znaš da ni u laži ljepšu naći neću
Možda ćeš se smijati kad definiraš mi radost
Te svojim usnama gorčinu pretvoriti u slatkost

Pawl the pain that burns in me
(samo slušaj, ne govori ništa)
Dry the rain and you`ll dry the tears
(sklopi ruke i ne radi ništa)
Let me lay you on this bed within my sight
And whisper slowly, my goddess good night

A kad završi sve i odeš od mene
Zagrljaje pružit će izblijedjele sjene
I usne past će na zid vječno hladan
No misli ne odu, već na tebi ostanu
Ničim izazvani balkoni će pasti
Svi dvorci i kule više neće rasti
I nije me sramota što priznat ću svoj pad
U tebi sam našao čak i više nego slast
Godine će proći i znaš da neću moći
Zaboraviti vrijeme i samo sklopiti oči
Zamisliti tebe dok na ležeć` šiješ mi vene
Ispunjen kao majka što posvojila je dijete
Nadam se da sreća krasit će ti dom
Kad već nije moglo bar malo biti po mom
I duša iznutra već kao da izgovara zbogom
Oprosti se sa mnom, ja pozdravljam se s Bogom

| 21:33 | Komentiraj (2) | Print | Wintersoul

nedjelja, 01.04.2007.

Suze iz zrcala...

crying angel...

Lost In Fantasy

You`re walking on the line between clouds and ground
And the voice of your dissapointment is the only sound
As you close your eyes the colors vanesce in your mind
With filthy little darkness who`s crawling deep inside

I please you, don`t be afraid of shadows in your life
The blood you are bleeding I know it`s not mine
But it hurts so much in me when I feel your cry

Seems that you are lost in fantasy again
With no one arround you to cure this pain

In our talks I can see through windows of your soul
And I will always be able to hear your quiet call
Don`t judge me, maybe I`m lost like you again
All the lies are dead with emptiness weep in vain

Within your heart lays so much sorrow and tears
In any way I can, I will help you defeat those fears
I will do all my promises just like this for you I did

Seems that we are lost in fantasies again
With no one arround us to cure this pain
And maybe someday light will start to shine
And maybe someday our pain will be mine

Znači, tako izgleda trenutak kad barem nesvjesno pokušavam ignorirati riječi koje izlaze iz tvojih usta i polako se početi gubiti u labirintu koji gradiš oko nas, i kad sam čovjek koji se više ne prepoznaje ni u zrcalu, ni u vodi, a pogotovo ne u tvojim očima u kojima se otrov i ruže miješaju poput skupog koktela u đavoljim rukama.
Zagledaj se u mene...Možeš li vidjeti išta osim ožiljaka koji su nastali kroz sve ovo vrijeme u kojemu sam pokušavao biti sve ono što prokleti svijet očekuje od mene, samo da ne bih nekoga razočarao?
Trebao bih biti pun snage i spašavati se od demona tvojih iščekivanja, no zapravo sam tako slab, tako jako slab, da to ne možeš ni vidjeti, a i kad osjetiš tu stranu mene, ponašaš se poput stranca i tada se zapitam hoću li ikada više moći sanjati sreću, jer ova bespomoć tuče ravno u moje oslabljene grudi i tvoja kosa mi je uvijek ostavljala tragove kojima bih izišao iz ovoga labirinta u koji neprestano ulazim, valjda iz razonode ili jednostavno, iz neke bijesne dosade zbog koje bi možda i vrijedilo umrijeti, samo iz razloga da više nikad ne kročim u te prostorije tuge. Ne bojim se, znaš, ja sam samo izgubljen u tebi i bilo gdje da krenem, bilo kamo potrčim pronalazim nešto novo, tako duboko izgubljen u tebi, osjećam protivnike protiv kojih se ne mogu boriti, samo provesti život uz njihova nedodirljiva disanja u moje uho...
I dok tvoji šapati ispunjavaju sve prostorije ove poluprazne ogromne dvorane, ponesen jekom tvoga glasa, pokušavam otkriti gdje si i prema kojem zidu okrenuta, moja nesvjesna krvlju obojana srećo. Iskren sam, možda ne previše duhovit, ali iskren kada kažem da ovaj obris mene koji si stvorila ti i tvoji duhovi nitko neće moći obrisati ni najkvalitetnijom gumicom. Postajem još jednom, novi-stari ja...
Ponovno sam ovdje, pred vratima koja mi uporno zatvaraš, tako miljama udaljen od tebe, ličim na raskomadani nered, samo slomljene komadiće onoga što jesam, a znaš da sam se tako jako trudio da sve stvari učinim onako kako treba i na jedini način koji sam ikad znao, onaj iz srca, a toliko sam toga putem do tebe izgubio...A tada vidim tvoje lice osvjetljeno jednim plamenom i ponovno pronađem sve za što sam mislio da je davno izgubljeno, kad čujem svoje ime iz tvojih usta prilazim ti komadić po komadić, jer se nadam da ćeš me jednom zauvijek učiniti cijelim.

"Dođi mi na srce što te gluhu prosi
Nehajna strahoto, moj ljubljeni tigru
Htio bih se posve zadupsti u igru
Mojih prstiju u tvojoj teškoj kosi

U suknje bih tvoje prepune mirisa
Zakopao glavu tako razboljelu
I udisao kao ljubav preboljelu
Miris nekog davno uvelog irisa..."
Charles Baudelaire , "Leta"

Čini mi se da sam slijep dok prolazim ovim zidovima tuge, ostaci mene moji su pratioci, i za tebe sam uhvaćen ovdje, u ovu mrežu nenadane strasti kojoj nikad nisam mogao odolijeti, no moram izbrisati ono što ne mogu ignorirati. Trčati ću, i neću se zaustavljati, skriti ću se u najdalji kutak svijeta dok uspomene ne izblijede i iza sebe ću ostaviti posljednji dio svoga bića. No, istina će ostati, ti si ono za čime ću posegnuti u svakom trenutku svoga padanja i posustajanja bez imalo nade da u okviru puzzli koje godinama slažem, ponovno vidim sebe....

Dođi mi na polja vječne strasti
Ugodi mi da uživam tvoje slasti
U tvome naručju
U tvome pogledu
Znam da bit ću zauvijek tvoj
Rasprostri me
Na svoj krevet mrtvih ruža
U svoje snove i kraljevstvo suza

Uzmi moj život kao krv na dlanu
Uzmi sve, da te ne ostavim samu
Kroz ove doline našega raja
Gdje trčimo zauvijek i oduvijek
Tako želim da si živa ponovno
Moj jedini Anđele, ljubljena sotono

Naslikaj me na platno gdje si sada
U tvojim očima nek zasja moja umrla nada
Ljubim tvoje suze
Mazim tvoje tuge
Preslatko moje, na grudima mi spavaš
I ljubim te iznova
Preko praga ću te prenijet u naš dom Had
Da kao vječna sjena promatraš moj pad

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Edgar Allan Poe - Annabel Lee

It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of Annabel Lee;--
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.
She was a child and I was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea,
But we loved with a love that was more than love--
I and my Annabel Lee--
With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven
Coveted her and me.

And this was the reason that, long ago,
In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a cloud by night
Chilling my Annabel Lee;
So that her high-born kinsman came
And bore her away from me,
To shut her up in a sepulchre
In this kingdom by the sea.

The angels, not half so happy in Heaven,
Went envying her and me:--
Yes! that was the reason (as all men know,
In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of a cloud, chilling
And killing my Annabel Lee.

But our love it was stronger by far than the love
Of those who were older than we--
Of many far wiser than we-
And neither the angels in Heaven above,
Nor the demons down under the sea,
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee:--

For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise but I see the bright eyes
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
Of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride,
In her sepulchre there by the sea--
In her tomb by the side of the sea.

Cradle Of Filth - Her Ghost In The Fog

"The Moon, she hangs like a cruel portrait
Soft winds whisper the bidding of trees
As this tragedy starts with a shattered glass heart
And the Midnightmare trampling of dreams
But oh, no tears please
Fear and pain may accompany Death
But it is desire that shepherds it's certainty
As We shall see..."

She was divinity's creature
That kissed in cold mirrors
A Queen of Snow
Far beyond compare
Lips attuned to symmetry
Sought Her everywhere
Dark liqoured eyes
An Arabian nightmare...

She shone on watercolours
Of my pondlife as pearl
Until those who couldn't have Her
Cut Her free of this World

That fateful Eve when...
The trees stank of sunset and camphor
Their lanterns chased phantoms and threw
An inquisitive glance, like the shadows they cast
On my love picking rue by the light of the moon

Putting reason to flight
Or to death as their way
They crept through woods mesmerized
By the taffeta Ley
Of Her hips that held sway
Over all they surveyed
Save a mist on the rise
(A deadly blessing to hide)
Her ghost in the fog

They raped left...
(Five men of God)
...Her ghost in the fog

Dawn discovered Her there
Beneath the Cedar's stare
Silk dress torn, Her raven hair
Flown to gown Her beauty bared
Was starred with frost, I knew Her lost
I wept 'til tears crept back to prayer

She'd sworn Me vows in fragrant blood
"Never to part
Lest jealous Heaven stole our hearts"

Then this I screamed:
"Come back to Me for
I was born in love with thee
So why should fate stand inbetween?"

And as I drowned Her gentle curves
With dreams unsaid and final words
I espied a gleam trodden to earth
The Church bell tower key...

The village mourned her by the by
For She'd been a witch
Their Men had longed to try
And I broke under Christ seeking guilty signs
My tortured soul on ice

A Queen of snow
Far beyond compare
Lips attuned to symmetry
Sought Her everywhere
Trappistine eyes
An Arabian nightmare...

She was Ersulie possessed
Of a milky white skin
My porcelain Yin
A graceful Angel of Sin

And so for Her...
The breeze stank of sunset and camphor
My lantern chased Her phantom and blew
Their Chapel ablaze and all locked in to a pain
Best reserved for judgement that their bible construed...

Putting reason to flight
Or to flame unashamed
I swept form cries
By the taffeta Ley
Or Her hips that held sway
Over all those at bay
Save a mist on the rise
A final blessing to hide
Her ghost in the fog

And I embraced
Where lovers rot...
Her ghost in the fog

Her ghost in the fog

Entwine - Safe In A Dream

On the edge of life
After all these days are gone
The endless haze will rise

I close my eyes
I'm safe from all harm
I'm safe in a dream
I want you to stay
I want you to be there for me
'Cos I need your love
I need your touch
I long for your embrace

On the edge of time
All the scenes are falling behind
It seems that alls is lost

I close my eyes
I'm safe from all harm
I'm safe in a dream
I want you to stay
I want you to be there for me
'Cos I need your love
I need your touch
I long for your embrace

Nightwish - Ghost Love Score

We used to swim the same moonlight waters
Oceans away from the wakeful day

My fall will be for you
My love will be in you
If you be the one to cut me
I`ll bleed forever

Scent of the sea before the waking of the world
Brings me to thee
Into the blue memory

My fall will be for you
My love will be in you
If you be the one to cut me
I will bleed forever

Into the blue memory

A siren from the deep came to me
Sang my name my longing
Still I write my songs about that dream of mine
Worth everything I may ever be

The Child will be born again
That siren carried him to me
First of them true loves
Singing on the shoulders of an angel
Without care for love n` loss

Bring me home or leave me be
My love in the dark heart of the night
I have lost the path before me
The one behind will lead me

Take me
Cure me
Kill me
Bring me home
Every way
Every day
Just another loop in the hangman`s noose

Take me, cure me, kill me, bring me home
Every way, every day
I keep on watching us sleep

Relive the old sin of Adam and Eve
Of you and me
Forgive the adoring beast

Redeem me into childhood
Show me myself without the shell
Like the advent of May
I`ll be there when you say
Time to never hold our love

My fall will be for you
My love will be in you
You were the one to cut me
So I`ll bleed forever

In Flames - Only For The Weak

I can't tolerate your sadness
Cause it's me you are drowning
I won't allow any happiness
Cause everytime you laugh, I feel so guilty, I feel so guilty

Am I forced to have any regret
I've become the lie, Beautiful and free
In my righteous own mind
I adore and preach the insanity you gave to me

Sell me the infection, it is only for the weak
No need for sympathy, The misery that is me

I've lost the ability to pain the clouds
Cause it's me you're draining
I'm stuck in this slow-motion dark day
Cause everytime you run, I fall.. Behind, I fall behind

And so I hear my voice again
The tale of the bitter man here I am
Shake the silence and hear what it says
The tranquil pride that become the lie

Sell me to infection, it is only for the weak
No need for sympathy, the misery that is me

Sell me to infection, it is only for the weak
On bleeding knees, I accept my fate

For My Pain... - Autumn Harmony

The touch of fall has reached us again
Our hearts are covered by the endless rain
Accept our fate, don't say anything
I'll hold you until we fade away

The whole world turns to grey
We are fading away from this life

You and me, we will be
Part of the autumn harmony
Together sleeping the endless dream

You and me, we will be
Gone in the wind of eternity
Together sleeping the endless dream

All the colors turn to grey
Everything dies to be born again
There's no need to be afraid
I'll hold you until we fade away

Lullacry - Heart Shaped Scars

I'm lost for world
It's written in my eyes
You're all I want
You're the one

Just the capture your heartbeat
Helps me to forget the pain
Baby you make me feel complete
You are the one
And by your side I strip my pride
You are the one

All the words on this earth
Lose their meaning when I'm with you
I love you for what it's worth
You are the one
And by your side I strip my pride
You are the one

I'm lost for world
It's written in my eyes
You're all I want
You're the one
I don't mind if it hurts
Heart shaped scars
You're all I want
You're the one

The 69 Eyes - Dance D`Amour

Your lips shine like Paris
Mon amour a toi toujours
Mon cherie
But your tears bring a little London for me
Berlin can never be
as cold as you reach

Baby woukd you dance with me to the night
Into the serious moonlight
Brighter than the stars above you shine
and the loving feels

Give me the moment that the world won't need
Ce soir
Tu es moi
Ma cherie
But your fears ain't no strangers for me
Morning can never be as cold as you leave

Sonata Arctica - The Misery

I write the lines you want me to, with the words
I dare to use of all the ones that you have taught me, along the years

You cast a perfect shadow on the paper
Fade away with sunlight, I fear the way you know me, love can leave a stain...

You steal my only hope and make me stay awake another night.
I wish you bear with me, stay near me
When the autumn leaves have fallen.
Solitude, my pain, the last thing left of me...

If you fall I'll catch, if you love I'll love, and so it goes, my dear, don't be scared,
you'll be safe, this I swear
If you only love me back

Seven lonely lies written on Deadwinter's night,
open the only book with the only poem I can read...
In blood I sign my name and seal the midnight with a tear
Burn the paper, every line for them I cried...

If you fall I'll catch, if you love I'll love, and so it goes, my dear, don't be scared,
you'll be safe, this I swear.
If you only love me back

I am the Playwrite and you are my Crown, make me cry for your love,
like you've done many times, so I know
I can't write these storylines without you, lady pain, make me strong,
can't we be together without them forever...

The words I write can only hurt you, sorry for the rain.
Thank you, my only one, you gave me this pain...I leave you gently on the floor,
take one step towards the door
Where's the letter never written, good night now...

If you fall I'll catch, if you love I'll love, and so it goes, my dear, don't be scared,
you'll be safe, this I swear
If you only love me back

If you fall I'll catch, if you love I'll love, and so it goes, my dear, don't be scared,
you'll be safe, this I swear
If you only love me back

Moonspell - Luna

Bleed no reflection
Upon the waters that you fear
Make things happen

Accept no resignation
For some life has been cruel
You have set the mood

Thinking about you... Luna

Lay the serpent's egg
In this world of make believe
And make things real

My seed of a lunacy
Was a sign made to resist
A mood set from birth

Thinking about you... Luna

Show me your moon burns
Take me as the moon burns
The freezing moon
Making things real for me
The killing Moon
Making things happen for me

Luna - all above
Wound of light in the enemy skies
Make things happen for me

On the eve of self destruction
On the eve of all can be...Thinking about you

Eternal Tears Of Sorrow - Sweet Lilith Of My Dreams

I caressed her suffering soul
With my love and true desier
But she ripped off my pounding heart
And buried it six feet under

I tried to resist a rhyme
Of charming beauty and lust
But I could not close my mind from tunes
And I fell into the calls of a siren

Biterness, the black cancer
Slowly gnawing my soul
Disbelier, despair, hatred
This fiendish trinity's taking me over

She was the only one who filled my heart
Sweet Lilith of my dreams
Forever lost
The fallen idol for the impure hearts

Into blazing fire and thunder
I went and followed her
The dire memories in my heart
They will never be dissolved

Condemned to repeat the past
Deja-vu's of things to come
My life is only a vicious circle
It's ending where it just begins

She spoke by two tongues
One for those she loved
Another for the ones she used
For those who dare not look her in the eye

She was the only one who filled my heart
Sweet Lilith of my dreams
Forever lost
The fallen idol for the impure hearts

The dark shadow by my side
The dark raven bride
She was the only one who filled my heart

Sweet Lilith of my dreams
Forever lost
The fallen idol for the impure hearts

The Cruxshadows - Winter Born

Dry your eyes and quietly bear this pain with pride
For heaven shall remember the silent and the brave
And promise me, they will never see, the fear within our eyes
We will give strength to those who still remain

So bury fear for fate draws near and hide the signs of pain
With noble acts, the bravest souls endure the heart's remains
Discard regret, that in this debt a better world is made
That children of a newer day might remember, and avoid our fate.

And in the fury of this darkest hour we will be your light
You've asked me for my sacrifice and I am Winter born
Without denying, a faith is come that I have never known
I hear the angels call my name and I am Winter born

Hold your head up high-for there is no greater love
Think of the faces of the people you defend
And promise me, they will never see the tears within our eyes
Although we are men with mortal sins, angels never cry

So bury fear for fate draws near and hide the signs of pain
With noble acts, the bravest souls endure the heart's remains
Discard regret, that in this debt a better world is made
That children of a newer day might remember, and avoid our fate.

And in the fury of this darkest hour we will be your light
You've asked me for my sacrifice and I am Winter born
Without denying, a faith in God that I have never known
I hear the angels call my name and I am Winter born

And in the fury of this darkest hour
I will be your light
A lifetime for this destiny
For I am Winter born
And in this moment...
I will not run, it is my place to stand
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands

And in our Dying
We're more alive-than we have ever been
I've lived for these few seconds
For I am Winter born

And in the fury of this darkest hour
We will be the light
You've asked me for my sacrifice
And I am Winter born
Without denying, a faith in man
That I have never known
I hear the angels call my name
And I am Winter born

Within this moment now
I am for you, though better men have failed
I will give my life for love
For I am Winter born

And in my dying I'm more alive, than I have ever been
I will make this sacrifice for I am Winter born

Within Temptation - Memories

Memories, memories, memories

In this world you tried
Not leaving me alone behind
There's no other way
I'll pray to the gods: let him stay

The memories ease the pain inside
Now I know why

All of my memories
Keep you near
In silent moments
Imagine you'd be here
All of my memories
Keep you near
The silent whispers, silent tears

Made me promise I'd try
To find my way back in this life
I hope there is away
To give me a sign you're okay
Reminds me again
It's worth it all
So I can go home

Together in all these memories
I see your smile
All the memories I hold dear
Darling you know I love you till the end of time

Embraze - Sleeping Ground

Sorrow lights the candles in your room
When you are sleeping
You touch yourself like I used to do
Wishing it was me

You hope this dream would never end
Because you want to be with me
Flame of your heart is still clean
But you hide for something

I'm like a swaying tree
You are the sleeping ground

This is the day when you are running on the fields
You are crashing all beautiful down
Just close your eyes and wish all to fade away
Cause you will leave the world today (with me)

So candles burn out
You are alone with your dream
Your soul flies over the sea
It wants to feel the wind

I try to help you, come with me
In to the land of beautiful dream
I still miss your touch and kiss
'Cause you still belong to me

Scars Of Life - Mute

All these years you turned your back on me
It took time but I know just what this means

And I feel so small when you take it all
You push me away
When it's said and done all this shit ain't fun
I'll still be here

I've tried so hard to talk to you
Lend an ear is something you can't do

And I feel so small when you take it all
You push me away
When it's said and done all this shit ain't fun
I'll still be here

I'm here and I'm standing tall but I feel so god damn hollow
Your ways, engrave, my brain, I follow
My lips are sown up tight to stop the words I'll tell you
My life, this time, I feel torn inside
I wanna take my fist and crush your perfect face!
I will, one day, I will un-mute the pain
And then you'll see
What you've made

Why did you beat me down, why did you leave me here
why did you push me away, you taught me how to fear

I've never said these things I hide
I hold these fucked up thoughts inside

And I feel so small when you take it all
You push me away
When it's said and done all this shit ain't fun
I'll still be here

I'm here and I'm standing tall but I feel so god damn hollow
Your ways, engrave, my brain, I follow
My lips are sown up tight to stop the words I'll tell you
My life, this time, I feel torn inside
I wanna take my fist and crush your perfect face!
I will, one day, I will un-mute the pain
And then you'll see
What you've made

Lovex - Yours

Looking down at the ground to hide
the sorrow drawn on your face
Speaking words from your dreams to disguise
the lies painted in your mind

I'm your pain
you are my hurt
Take me as I am
Believe I am yours

Listening to angels singing to fade
Your screams echoing in my ears
Watching the sun for too long just to
blind myself from the mirror

I'm your pain
you are my hurt
Take me as I am
Believe I am yours

Scream Silence - Somewhere

If you say it is insane
That i remain
I'll go away even i'll say
It is mistake
Our voiceless vote
An inward fraud
To cut our tie
I concolate myself and wait
In deep desire

Somewhere / somehow
I'll get you see
In my isolated mind
In my dreamtown
I'll get you see
You could cross my way again

Well it's my fate if i fail
To resign
So i can hide & simply wipe
My wounds inside

All That Remains - This Calling

I secretly crave, crave that scent again
Still feel lit pressing on me now
Now with the onset, my flesh is weakening
I steel my nerves for temptations at hand again

And I hear this calling still you don't seem so far at all
And I hear this calling

No secrets, deception for these would tear this down
I'll note the past spare the pain
Words match my deeds with brutal honesty
Never forget these choices were made by me

Not falling victim to the fire that burns inside of me
Though I am fearful I can not prevent this tragedy
My strengths been tested I wear the scars that prove
Still I believe that this calling will see me through

My strengths been tested I wear the scars that prove
Still I believe that this calling will see me through.

Red - Pieces

I’m here again
A thousand miles away from you
A broken mess
Just scattered pieces of who I am

I tried so hard
Thought I could do this on my own
I’ve lost so much along the way

Then I see your face
I know I’m finally yours
I find everything
I thought I lost before
You call my name
I come to you in pieces
So you can make me whole

I’ve come undone
But you make sense of who I am
Like puzzle pieces in your hand

When I see your face
I know I’m finally yours
I find everything
I thought I lost before
You call my name
I come to you in pieces
So you can make me whole